Blue Water Developmental Housing, Inc. is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a CARF Three-Year Accreditation for Community Housing, Community Integration, Respite Services and Supported Living.

Strategic Planning
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Strategic Planning is part of the Continuous Quality Improvement process for BWDH. The Committee, Board of Directors and Quality Assurance Specialist revise the plan according to the ever changing environment in which we provide services. The Strategic Plan is reviewed each month during the Committee Meeting to ensure we are achieving progress towards the goals that have been set. Goals are determined through analysis of Satisfaction Survey results, Committee Meetings, regulatory inspections, Staff Meetings, Person Centered Planning, Quality Assurance data collections, and Risk Management.
Code of Ethics
The Board of directors, Executive director, staff and employees of Blue Water Developmental Housing, Inc. recognize the need to make efficient and effective use of funds and other resources provided by the community and local, state and federal government and to account for resources as appropriate and to exemplify sound, fair and ethical business practices in its daily affairs. This will be accomplished with an annual review of the Code of Ethics by every employee. Blue Water Developmental Housing, Inc. also has a Code of Ethics Committee which is responsible for reviewing and conducting investigations of alleged violations of the code of ethics, making non-disciplinary recommendations of actions to be taken when allegations are confirmed, regularly reviewing the code of ethics and recommending changes, and developing orientation training. This Code of Ethics represents the principles Blue Water Developmental Housing, Inc. agrees to practice in carrying out its mission.
Quality Improvement Documents
CARF Accreditation Report 2021-2023
BWDH Children Waiver Performance Indicators 2021
BWDH CSS CLS Performance Indicators 2021
BWDH Residential Performance Indicators 2021
BWDH Technology and System Plan 2019
BWDH Accessibility Plan and Outcomes 2017-2020
BWDH Disaster Plan FY 21-22
BWDH HIPAA Security Assessment FY21-22