BWDH is a 501 (c)3 organization which means your donations are tax deductible. All donations help supplement BWDH's programs and are accepted in several ways, including gifts by life insurance, charitable trust, direct donation and real estate.
Gifts by life insurance
Our organization can be designated as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
Gifts by charitable trust
Our organization can be designated as the beneficiary of a Trust.
Gifts by direct donation
This donation allows your gift to be used immediately.
Gifts of real estate
This donation allows potential housing opportunities for those who receive our services.
Blue Water Developmental Housing, Inc. is an exempt organization as describe in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 38-2140797.
Donate via Paypal
You can make a direct donation securely through Paypal (click here) – a secure way for individuals and organizations to send money online.