Our Services
Blue Water Developmental Housing, Inc. uses person–centered planning to promote choice, self–determination and the empowerment of each individual in creating their own plan of service.
BWDH's Community-Based Program offers support services for individuals with disabilities who reside independently or with their families in the community. The services provided focus on personal self sufficiency, independence and promotion of one's integration into the community. These services enable individuals to live in the least restrictive manner.
BWDH's Residential Program offers community living in the family–like settings of its ten group homes (See Locations for group home contact information). All residential homes are supervised twenty–four hours a day by staff and are licensed by the State of Michigan. Trained residential aides and an interdisciplinary team of professionals work together to coordinate Clinical Services such as Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work, Medical, Dietary, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Psychological and Behavioral as needed. Staff also assists consumers with Skill Training in order for them to develop the tools necessary to live as independently as possible. Through Service Coordination, BWDH manages intakes, professional assessments, Plans of Service, linkage and monitoring, and advocacy services as needed for each individual.